Lecturer of ideation and design concept
Graduated in Industrial Design from the University of Art, Tehran
Ranked 58th in Iran’s National Art University Entrance Exam in 2019 Among 12000 Candidates
Winner of the 3rd place in the 2023 Riachi International Competition
Recipient of a scholarship for a Master’s program at Riachi University
Member of the authoring team for the Konkourium Art history exam prep book, published by Mehr-o-Mah, providing detailed answers to Iran’s national art history exams from 2015 to 2022
Test question designer for the art history practice exams by Kanoon Farhangi Amoozesh (Ghalamchi)
Part of the authoring team for the analytical reasoning questions in Kanoon Farhangi Amoozesh’s book on analytical talent
Software knowledge
Proficient in Solidworks, Keyshot, Photoshop, Rhino, Matrix software